Thursday, April 05, 2007

Time of the Year ... again

The exams are just around the corner. Spring is also here which means that it will be golfing season very soon. I am looking forward to hit balls, ride my bike and start my coop position.

I have been late in updating this blog so I will summarize it very quickly for those who are interested in what I have been doing in the last 3 months. During reading week, I took the plane from Ottawa to London to visit Krystel. Once in London, I spent a wonderful week with Krystel and we visited a the wide tourist attractions that London had to offer.


Me and Krystel in the London Eye.

View of the London Eye from St. James Park.

Me in the tube station at Bond Street.

Me in front of the Tower Bridge.

After a few days, we took the plane from London to Prague. This is where we celebrated our 7th year anniversary. Prague is truly a romantic city with architecture, art and culture that is very different to Western Europe. We really enjoyed the two days that we spent in Prague. I could not describe our experience as well as Krystel did in her blog post.

Coming soon... Spain.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


The holidays when really fast. I remember the last day of my coop job like it was yesterday. During the holidays, we had a few parties including Christmas, New Years and Krystel's going -away parties. The common element in all those parties was the food and I'm not talking about regular food. We had raclette, turkey, and a 7-8 course meal that were all great.

For Christmas, I received a nice blue iPod from Krystel and ironically I also gave her an iPod. I really like to listen to music on the bus or just around the house.

Krystel with her nice red purse.

Winnie the Pooh reunion on Krystel's bed. Krystel and I both got a small Winnie for Christmas.

Me and Krystel during the holidays. Sharing a cuddling moment before she left.

Krystel and I during dinner.

Krystel has left for England on January 4th. Already more than 10 days and I miss her alot. As her going-away gift she has received a digital camera to capture memories of her time in London and in Europe. She has been posting regular posts on her blog that you can visit at She has been doing a great job to post her messages in French and English and they are well written (compared to me). I have to add that the pictures that she has posted on her blog capture alot of detail. Krystel is a natural photographer.

A sneek preview of the next post: Classes, Trip to London and more.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Not alot has happened since the Bon Echo camping. I went golfing a few times and I am still working weekdays.

Krystel's friend invited us to a halloween party where everyone was costumed. I was a sorcerer... probably the worst costume there. I got some really great ideas that I will use next year.

Here are a few pictures.Krystel the winter fairy!
Krystel's Witch Pumpkin
My very, very scary pumpkin!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Bon Echo - Fall Camping

Last weekend (Sept. 30- Oct. 1), Krystel, me, Pam and Alex went camping in Bon Echo Provincial Park a little more than 2 hours from Ottawa. The fall colors were amazing. Beside the cold temperature and the bit of rain we still had alot of fun.

A group picture before the big hike.

Krystel's idea to take the underneath of the mushroom.

A very colorful fall picture along the hiking trail.

A very red tree.Bon Echo's famous cliff.

Krystel and I enjoying the warmth of the fire.

A very nice picture that Krystel took with all the colours. We both agreed that this was the best picture of the weekend.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Canadian Rockies

Here are some pictures of my trip in the Canadian Rockies. Although the trip was short and we did alot of things, it was a real blast. Pour l'histoire complète du voyage de moi et Julien, visiter Julien a raconté notre aventure dans les rocheuses avec une exactitude impécable.

DAY 1 - Banff & Lake Louise

DAY 2 - Icefield Parkway & Athabasca Glacier

DAY 3 - Mount Athabasca & Yoho Lake

DAY 4 - Emerald Lake & Laughing Falls

DAY 5 - Iceline Trail & Lake O'Hara

DAY 6 - Alpine Route & Lake O'Hara