Monday, February 06, 2006


Well it was snowing earlier today at 10 am. I was working inside when I decided to go for a walk within the building and saw all the white stuff coming down. It wasn't only snowing but blowing snow all around it was soo pretty. I wish I had a picture... Oh well.

OK, well as promised I will start explaining how to solve a Rubic's Cube. Before attempting world records it's good to know how a Rubic's Cube works. Having a good cube is also a must since a defective cube will cause strain in your hands and fingers. I would also suggest to lube your cube with some type of wax (such as car wax).

Ready to CUBE IT UP?

1 - Creating a 2x2 square

The first step is to create a 2x2 square on one of the surfaces. Each cube will have different combination so with experience will help you decide with face to start with.

2 - Creating a 2x2x3 Cube

I know a 2x2x3 is not a cube. Up to this point no algorithms are needed and the cube should be solved using common logic. TIP: locate the needed pieces on the cube and place them one by one in their correct location.

All further Rubiks solving steps will be posted on

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