Thursday, March 30, 2006

Boiler Room

I've been rock climbing at the Boiler Room in Kingston twice. Julien, one of my housemate and a good climber himself, is teaching me the basics of climbing. The rating of the walls inside the facility start at 5.2 and go up to 5.12. I've started on walls of difficulty 5.5 and now I am climbing up some 5.7.

Thinking about summer holidays just makes you really lazy. Thinking about summer vacation makes me daydream. I though I might post some of my favorite places since summer is almost here.
Looking at precipitations from Whistler Mountain in Jasper National Park.
Looking at Mt. Wapta going up Mt. Field. Takkakah Falls can be seen in the background.

A lake in Jasper right after sunset.

Lost lake in Northern Ontario. The island in the middle of the lake is where the cottage is.

Monday, March 20, 2006


La fête surprise pour le 20ieme anniversaire de Krystel était la fin de semaine passée. J'ai organisé ce party avec l'aide de quelques des amies de Krystel. On avait une fontaine en chocolat avec des fruits et un gâteau à la mousse au chocolat. C'était le fun!

Krystel avec le cadeau de Pam et Alex; deux coupes remplies de bonbons

Moi qui bois de la bière verte et Alex qui coute aux guirlandes.

Krystel qui a l'air de la reine!
Krytel et Jocelyne.

Lindsey qui est rouge et Krystel qui a l'air vraiment contente.

Pour la fête de Krystel je lui ai acheté deux billets pour aller voir le spetacle Quidam du Cirque du Soleil. J'ai déjà hâte au mois de mai.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Drink an Unsuspecting Small Town Establishment Dry - DUSTED

Last Friday, it was the second Dusted of the year. This time we almost clean the bar. All there was left was Molson Ex (yuk!) and another kind which I can't quite remember. We finished the plastic cups and the orange juice for cocktails. We almost did it. With another few people the bar would have been DRY. Well I feel good since I'm the one who drank the last A. Keiths. Here are a few pictures from that night.

Yeah, I think the locals (AKA rednecks) forgot to read this sign.

Krystel vs Lindsey. They both won. Krystel is left handed and Lindsey is right handed.
Me vs Marc. I knew I had no chances. It was still fun.

Jordan, Marc and Caley, and a couple making out in the background.

Bowling the next night. I had the highest score with 173. I got a turkey for the first time in my life.

Krystel going for a strike.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

One flew into the cuckoo's nest...

Bird Flu: the next pandemic? I've been reading on the subject from various sources and from what I can read this will be a big problem. I don't think I'll start stocking up on Tamiflu but maybe I should.

Accorcding to WHO "The risk of pandemic influenza is serious. With the H5N1 virus now firmly entrenched in large parts of Asia, the risk that more human cases will occur will persist. Each additional human case gives the virus an opportunity to improve its transmissibility in humans, and thus develop into a pandemic strain"

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Tristan Betrayal

I've just finished reading The Tristan Betrayal from Robert Ludlum. I for one do not usually read much, but this book got me really interested. The story is about an american spy during WWII who must convince the nazi to attack Russia. Towards the end, I certainly could not put it down nor could I go to sleep. Beside all the Russian words that I did not understand, this book deserves a 4/5 rating. Now I've started another Ludlum book called The Prometheus Deception. If it is good I'll post a blog about it.

Damn Snow Plow!

I'm am hard of hearing but the snow plow still managed to wake me up. To clarify: it wasn't only the snow plow, it was the entire snow removal team (trucks, plows and a front end loader). The thing I don't quite understand is why do they have to remove the only 5 cm of snow that's on the ground? Worst yet, why do they have to do it at 5 am in the morning?