Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Tristan Betrayal

I've just finished reading The Tristan Betrayal from Robert Ludlum. I for one do not usually read much, but this book got me really interested. The story is about an american spy during WWII who must convince the nazi to attack Russia. Towards the end, I certainly could not put it down nor could I go to sleep. Beside all the Russian words that I did not understand, this book deserves a 4/5 rating. Now I've started another Ludlum book called The Prometheus Deception. If it is good I'll post a blog about it.

Damn Snow Plow!

I'm am hard of hearing but the snow plow still managed to wake me up. To clarify: it wasn't only the snow plow, it was the entire snow removal team (trucks, plows and a front end loader). The thing I don't quite understand is why do they have to remove the only 5 cm of snow that's on the ground? Worst yet, why do they have to do it at 5 am in the morning?

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