Sunday, April 16, 2006

Pool and Billiards

After Tuesday's pool competition with some international students, and some of their friends, I've come to realized that every country has their own rules for pool(or billiards). I've got some rules from 4 different countries(including Canada). I've also research the international rules which resembles canadian rules. For one point of comparasion lets compare how the 8th ball needs to be pocketed.1-French Rule

Before touching the 8th ball, the cue ball must touch a cushion.

2- German Rule

The 8th ball has to be pocketed in the opposite pocket then the last full or stripe ball.

3- English Rule and Canadian Rule

The shooter must call the pocket which the 8th ball will be pocketed.


Anonymous said...

Cool. Now all I need to know is HOW to actually put the ball in the pocket.

Pam said...

omg. Alex looks like he's 12 years old in that photo.

Anonymous said...

hearing about pool makes me want to play again. Ivan you should buy me a pool table. I will even let you use it (mon-fri 8am-4pm)

Anonymous said...

That pic was taken at my 19th birthday last year. I was still 18 when that picture that taken.