Sunday, October 29, 2006


Not alot has happened since the Bon Echo camping. I went golfing a few times and I am still working weekdays.

Krystel's friend invited us to a halloween party where everyone was costumed. I was a sorcerer... probably the worst costume there. I got some really great ideas that I will use next year.

Here are a few pictures.Krystel the winter fairy!
Krystel's Witch Pumpkin
My very, very scary pumpkin!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Bon Echo - Fall Camping

Last weekend (Sept. 30- Oct. 1), Krystel, me, Pam and Alex went camping in Bon Echo Provincial Park a little more than 2 hours from Ottawa. The fall colors were amazing. Beside the cold temperature and the bit of rain we still had alot of fun.

A group picture before the big hike.

Krystel's idea to take the underneath of the mushroom.

A very colorful fall picture along the hiking trail.

A very red tree.Bon Echo's famous cliff.

Krystel and I enjoying the warmth of the fire.

A very nice picture that Krystel took with all the colours. We both agreed that this was the best picture of the weekend.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Canadian Rockies

Here are some pictures of my trip in the Canadian Rockies. Although the trip was short and we did alot of things, it was a real blast. Pour l'histoire complète du voyage de moi et Julien, visiter Julien a raconté notre aventure dans les rocheuses avec une exactitude impécable.

DAY 1 - Banff & Lake Louise

DAY 2 - Icefield Parkway & Athabasca Glacier

DAY 3 - Mount Athabasca & Yoho Lake

DAY 4 - Emerald Lake & Laughing Falls

DAY 5 - Iceline Trail & Lake O'Hara

DAY 6 - Alpine Route & Lake O'Hara

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Yet again...

Yes, school has begun. It really feels weird studying during the summertime. So far, the workload has been very acceptable and with only 4 courses at a time, I feel like I will actually have time to understand some material.

I am really looking forward for the summer vacation in early August. How about you?

" Le Paradis " - Ptarmigan Lake, close to Lake Louise.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Murder Mystery

Last Saturday, we organized a murder mystery. It was my second time and I would have to say that I performed alot better this time around. Krystel and Pam decided that the theme for the supper would be Hawaiian. So everyone dressed up with hawaiian clothes and we had a few decorations. Only Krystel had suspected Pam of being the murderer.

As for food, Alex and Caley made their first lasagna.Marc and Lindsey also prepared astir-fry.

Amanda made a cheesecake from scratch with was the best that I've ever tasted. (sorry I don't have a picture)

In between the scenes of the game we enjoyed watching the Senators dominate the Lightnings. GO Sens GO!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Almost May ...

Yesterday and today, coming out of work (RMC) there were millions, probably billions of these flying insects. After much effort I found it; Mayflies. Reading up on Wikipedia "they are an aquatic insects where the larval stage occurs in fresh water." It also says that these flies only live for a day or two. It all make sense now, these flies are "May"flies.

They were everywhere... 3 of them made their way in my shirt. As I made my way across the bridge, there was a light breeze which prevented them from swarming.

Beside that, Steve came to Kingston to checkout the summer position. We then watched the Mtl-Car game on TV and we were cheering for the Habs (for that reason they won). Afterwards, we went to Grizzly's where we played a few pool games with Julien and Jeff.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Pool and Billiards

After Tuesday's pool competition with some international students, and some of their friends, I've come to realized that every country has their own rules for pool(or billiards). I've got some rules from 4 different countries(including Canada). I've also research the international rules which resembles canadian rules. For one point of comparasion lets compare how the 8th ball needs to be pocketed.1-French Rule

Before touching the 8th ball, the cue ball must touch a cushion.

2- German Rule

The 8th ball has to be pocketed in the opposite pocket then the last full or stripe ball.

3- English Rule and Canadian Rule

The shooter must call the pocket which the 8th ball will be pocketed.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Buzzed at work?

Getting buzzed at work.. well almost. Today I had to perform the ceremony. Yes, the cleaning ceremony of the samples and get them ready for testing. It involves cleaning them with iso-octane, iso-propanol and acetone and inserting the beakers in an utrasonic cleaner. The entire procedure can take about 1.5 hours.

The fumes from the three chemicals are enough to make you pass out if you take a huge sniff of them. Well maybe not pass out - but surely give you a buzz. But of course I would never be so stupid to buzz myself at work (or any other time).

Here are two more picture of Yoho NP.
A picture taken after the sunset. Emerald Lake in Yoho NP.

HOODOOS! Very cool natural sand/rock formation that is caused by erosion. These peaks are about 15-20 ft high.

I just had to post this picture from National Geographic. The Cameleon is great against the blue/green background.

Spring Forward

To be honest, I can't wait till this time of year, when its light outside for a longer time. Waiting for this weekend to arrive is like waiting for the longest day of the summer to come.

It also means that summer is right around the corner. Only 19 more days for my coop job - I've been in kingston for 3 months.

Talking about summer, here are more pictures that I took in Banff, Yoho and Jasper National Parks. Can't wait to get back there this summer.I beleive you can see Mt McArthur in Yoho NP where the sun is setting. Nice sunset.

Spirit Island lost in the fog. Jasper National Park.

Mt Stephen's overshadowing the little town of Field BC in Yoho NP.

Lake Oeasa - up from Lake O'Hara.Forest fire devastation in Kootenay NP.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Boiler Room

I've been rock climbing at the Boiler Room in Kingston twice. Julien, one of my housemate and a good climber himself, is teaching me the basics of climbing. The rating of the walls inside the facility start at 5.2 and go up to 5.12. I've started on walls of difficulty 5.5 and now I am climbing up some 5.7.

Thinking about summer holidays just makes you really lazy. Thinking about summer vacation makes me daydream. I though I might post some of my favorite places since summer is almost here.
Looking at precipitations from Whistler Mountain in Jasper National Park.
Looking at Mt. Wapta going up Mt. Field. Takkakah Falls can be seen in the background.

A lake in Jasper right after sunset.

Lost lake in Northern Ontario. The island in the middle of the lake is where the cottage is.

Monday, March 20, 2006


La fête surprise pour le 20ieme anniversaire de Krystel était la fin de semaine passée. J'ai organisé ce party avec l'aide de quelques des amies de Krystel. On avait une fontaine en chocolat avec des fruits et un gâteau à la mousse au chocolat. C'était le fun!

Krystel avec le cadeau de Pam et Alex; deux coupes remplies de bonbons

Moi qui bois de la bière verte et Alex qui coute aux guirlandes.

Krystel qui a l'air de la reine!
Krytel et Jocelyne.

Lindsey qui est rouge et Krystel qui a l'air vraiment contente.

Pour la fête de Krystel je lui ai acheté deux billets pour aller voir le spetacle Quidam du Cirque du Soleil. J'ai déjà hâte au mois de mai.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Drink an Unsuspecting Small Town Establishment Dry - DUSTED

Last Friday, it was the second Dusted of the year. This time we almost clean the bar. All there was left was Molson Ex (yuk!) and another kind which I can't quite remember. We finished the plastic cups and the orange juice for cocktails. We almost did it. With another few people the bar would have been DRY. Well I feel good since I'm the one who drank the last A. Keiths. Here are a few pictures from that night.

Yeah, I think the locals (AKA rednecks) forgot to read this sign.

Krystel vs Lindsey. They both won. Krystel is left handed and Lindsey is right handed.
Me vs Marc. I knew I had no chances. It was still fun.

Jordan, Marc and Caley, and a couple making out in the background.

Bowling the next night. I had the highest score with 173. I got a turkey for the first time in my life.

Krystel going for a strike.